17th Battalion |
KING'S ROYAL RIFLE CORPS (British Empire League) |
117th Brigade / 39th Division |
3rd September : Attack North of the Ancre. 6th-12th September : Auchonvillers sector. Late September : Hebuterne sector. ********* Early October : Thiepval sector. 9th October : In support during the Schwaben Redoubt operations. 12th October : Detached to 118th Brigade. 14th October : Capture of Northern part of Schwaben Redoubt. 20th October : Detached to 116th Brigade. 20th-29th October : Tours in line in Schwaben Redoubt. 2nd November : Thiepval. 13th November : In divisional reserve during the attack on St Pierre-Divion.
236 names |
A/200103 Rifleman Joseph Thomas ARNOLD Died of wounds on the 5th November 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
C/3383 Lance Corporal Herbert Alfred ASHDOWN Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 34 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4146 Rifleman Lawrence ASSENHEIM Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3958 Rifleman Arthur ATKINSON Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
Second Lieutenant Arthur BAILEY Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Hamel Military Cemetery
A/200178 Rifleman Reginald BAILEY Killed in action on the 15th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/17285 Rifleman Richard BARRY Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 38 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200187 Rifleman Samuel David BASE Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200104 Rifleman James BATT Died of wounds on the 24th November 1916 Rest in peace in Islington Cemetery
C/3919 Rifleman Stanley Thomas BEAUMONT Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3339 Rifleman Charles BEDFORD Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 17 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/1678 Rifleman Frank BELL Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/4709 Rifleman George John BENNETT Died of wounds on the 6th September 1916 Rest in peace in Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
A/200016 Rifleman Sidney William BENNETT Died of wounds on the 15th October 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200135 Rifleman Gustave BERTOLLE Killed in action on the 6th October 1916 - Age 36 Rest in peace in Blighty Valley Cemetery
C/3360 Rifleman Walter BEST Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
R/21549 Rifleman Sidney Warsdale BIGGS Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200068 Rifleman Henry James BISHOP Killed in action on the 21st September 1916 Rest in peace in Hebuterne Military Cemetery
C/3016 Rifleman William Charles BLAGDON Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200147 Lance Corporal John Stanley BLAKE Killed in action on the 15th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/18118 Rifleman Arthur BODIMER Died of wounds on the 10th October 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
C/3867 Corporal Edward William BRADY Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3410 Rifleman Arthur Walter John BREWER Died of wounds on the 21st October 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Cayeux Military Cemetery
R/2897 Sergeant William Arthur BRIGGS Died of wounds on the 4th November 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Puchevillers British Cemetery
C/3890 Rifleman Edward BRISCOE Killed in action on the 28th September 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Hebuterne Military Cemetery
C/4565 Rifleman Henry Walter BROWN Killed in action on the 20th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/1669 Rifleman Stanley BRUTON Died of wounds on the 21st October 1916 - Age 24 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/17325 Rifleman William G. BRUTY Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
A/200070 Rifleman Robert Croxton BRYANT Killed in action on the 23rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Hebuterne Military Cemetery
C/3011 Rifleman Harry BRYETT Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
R/17601 Rifleman Robert BURNS Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Second Lieutenant Arthur James Basil BUTCHER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 32 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4357 Rifleman Henry BUTLER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 36 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/3582 Rifleman George Trevellyan CARLOSS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3511 Rifleman Charles Robert CARTER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3814 Rifleman Walter John CARVOSSO Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/16824 Rifleman Roland Victor CLARKE Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4433 Lance Corporal George Henry CLAXTON Killed in action on the 15th October 1916 - Age 29 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3354 Sergeant William Luke CLEMENTS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 39 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
A/200123 Rifleman Adolphus James COHEN Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 - Age 33 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4340 Rifleman Victor William John COLE Killed in action on the 27th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4691 Rifleman Henry John Norman COMER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4027 Corporal Percy COOK Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/3685 Rifleman Edwin Ernest COOPER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
A/200122 Rifleman Joseph Frederick COOPER Killed in action on the 22nd October 1916 - Age 30 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200041 Rifleman Arnold COOPMAN Killed in action on the 27th October 1916 - Age 29 Rest in peace in Mill Road Cemetery
C/3349 Rifleman James William CORBIN Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 17 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
R/17657 Rifleman Alfred James COUSINS Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200112 Rifleman Walter James CRAWLEY Died of wounds on the 27th October 1916 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
C/3825 Rifleman Frank CRAY Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3843 Rifleman James Alfred CUTTRISS Died ofwounds on the 16th October 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4391 Rifleman Herbert Edward DAY Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/4745 Rifleman Frank DE VONEY Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 30 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3374 Rifleman Edward Philip DEBELL Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3586 Rifleman Ernest DEER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4261 Rifleman Arthur Bernard DELUC Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
A/200058 Lance Corporal Edwin Francis DENT Killed in action on the 21st September 1916 - Age 34 Rest in peace in Hebuterne Military Cemetery
C/4592 Rifleman Charles Mumby DIXON Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Hamel Military Cemetery
C/4173 Lance Corporal Albert Victor DRAIN Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200151 Rifleman Percy William EAST Died of wounds on the 15th October 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Connaught Cemetery
C/3937 Rifleman William Leonard EDMONDS Died of wounds on the 4th September 1916 - Age 18 Rest in peace in Beauval Communal Cemetery
R/33593 Lance Corporal Charles ELDRIDGE Died of wounds on the 6th November 1916 - Age 31 Rest in peace in Aveluy Wood Cemetery
C/4063 Rifleman Arthur ELLIS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3001 Sergeant Walter Joseph EVANS Died of wounds on the 15th October 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Lieutenant Philip Keith Somerville EWEN Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Hamel Military Cemetery
C/1671 Rifleman Samuel FARNSWORTH Died of wounds on the 21st October 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Wimereux Communal Cemetery
C/4560 Rifleman Christopher A. FEAKES Died of wounds as POW on the 15th October 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Tincourt New British Cemetery
R/33589 Rifleman John FENWICK Died of wounds on the 7th November 1916 - Age 32 Rest in peace in Puchevillers British Cemetery
4352 Rifleman George Thomas FERGUSON Killed in action on the 22nd October 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/16871 Rifleman Herbert FISHER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/3909 Rifleman John FITZGERALD Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
R/4830 Rifleman Albert FLETCHER Killed in action on the 8th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4403 Rifleman James Alfred FOWLER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
5751 Sergeant James FOWLES Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4093 RVifleman William FOYLE Died of wounds on the 15th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3252 Lance Corporal Herbert FRIEND Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
A/200049 Rifleman Edward Albert FUGLER Killed in action on the 21st September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Hebuterne Military Cemetery
C/3338 Rifleman William Henry FULLER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/4662 Lance Corporal Arthur GALE Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 - Age 34 Rest in peace in Connaught Cemetery
C/3314 Rifleman Arthur George GALLINI Killed in action on the 6th November 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3660 Rifleman Robert John GARDINER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4588 Rifleman James Henry Nicholson GARDNER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/1607 Rifleman Reginald GAUL Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 33 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4326 Rifleman William GIBLETT Killed in action on the 14th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3836 Lance Corporal William Thomas GILBERT Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
A/200089 Rifleman Frederick Charles GOENNER Died of wounds on the 29th October 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Wimereux Communal Cemetery
Second Lieutenant John Graham GOFFEY Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 18 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3647 Sergeant Walter Arthur GRIGGS Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3995 Rifleman Leonard Harry GUEST Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
A/200179 Rifleman Arthur GUNTER Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 31 Rest in peace in Mailly-Maillet Communal Cemetery Ext.
R/23742 Rifleman James GURNEY Killed in action on the 15th October 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/13476 Corporal John Arthur HALL Died of wounds on the 21st October 1916 - Age 31 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/25847 Rifleman Tom HARDAKER Died of wounds on the 8th October 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Blighty Valley Cemetery
A/200183 Rifleman George Brewington HARDING Killed in action on the 28th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4644 Rifleman Frederick Percy HARMER Died of wounds on the 19th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/2510 Rifleman Thomas Bertrand HARPER Killed in action on the 15th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200180 Rifleman Edward Whitfield HATCHETT Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Mailly-Maillet Communal Cemetery Ext.
R/15696 Rifleman Charles HAWTIN Died of wounds on the 19th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3312 Rifleman Charles HEAD Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/3695 Sergeant Ernest Augustus HEAD Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 39 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Major Marcus Francis HECHT Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/3083 Rifleman George Frank HENDRA Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4422 Rifleman Montague Frederick HENDRA Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 18 Rest in peace in Hamel Military Cemetery
C/4613 Rifleman James Henry HOBBS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/1699 Rifleman James Pritchard HODGES Died of wounds on the 7th September 1916 Rest in peace in Boulogne Eastern Cemetery
C/3390 Rifleman Albert Frederick Augustus HOLLAND Died of wounds on the 28th October 1916 Rest in peace in Aveluy Wood Cemetery
C/4057 Corporal George William John HOLT Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
Second Lieutenant Geoffrey Henry Le Sueur HONEY Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4149 Rifleman William HOWARD Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/1581 Rifleman Alex Edward Stanley HUBBARD Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
R/16962 Lance Corporal David John HUGHES Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Hamel Military Cemetery
R/22254 Rifleman Harry HUGHES Died of wounds on the 22nd October 1916 Rest in peace in Mill Road Cemetery
2412 Sergeant Peter HUGHES Killed in action on the 22nd October 1916 Rest in peace in Connaught Cemetery
C/4358 Rifleman William Thomas HUGHES Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain Harry John HULKS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Hamel Military Cemetery
C/4589 Rifleman Alfred HURRELL Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Hamel Military Cemetery
R/26489 Rifleman William Samuel HURREN Died of wounds on the 6th December 1916 - Age 33 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
C/3955 Rifleman Henry Harold ISTED Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
R/20693 Rifleman Albert JACKSON Killed in action on the 28th October 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4658 Rifleman Edward Aubrey JACKSON Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/25061 Rifleman John JACKSON Killed in action on the 15th October 1916 - Age 34 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3599 Rifleman Charles Henry JAGGARD Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 29 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4041 Rifleman Alfred JAMES Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
R/28416 Rifleman Walter Henry JANAWAY Died of wounds on the 29th October 1916 - Age 33 Rest in peace in Puchevillers British Cemetery
C/3060 Rifleman Michael Henry JAY Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/25079 Rifleman Albert JENKINSON Died of wounds on the 29th October 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
A/200174 Rifleman Edward Leonard Cyril KILMISTER Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 30 Rest in peace in Mailly-Maillet Communal Cemetery Ext.
A/200192 Rifleman William KING Died in service on the 4th November 1916 - Age 30 Rest in peace in Wimereux Communal Cemetery
Captain Ernest Harold KITCHIN Killed in action on the 21st-22nd October 1916 - Age 36 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3615 Sergeant Sidney Horace KITSON Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 Rest in peace in Connaught Cemetery
C/3742 Rifleman George Robert KNIGHT Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Second Lieutenant Thomas Henry LACEY Died of wounds on the 4th September 1916 - Age 35 Rest in peace in Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
A/200040 Rifleman Robert LAIRD Died of wounds as POW on the 15th October 1916 - Age 34 Rest in peace in Tincourt New British Cemetery
C/4181 Rifleman Frederick LAMBOLL Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Mesnil Communal Cemetery Ext.
C/3037 Sergeant Albert LEAT Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 Rest in peace in Mill Road Cemetery
C/3584 Rifleman Ernest Clarence LENNY Died of wounds on the 4th September 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
C/4023 Rifleman Robert LITTLE Died of wound on the 7th September 1916 Rest in peace in Mont-Huon Military Cemetery
R/19900 Rifleman Ernest LUSCOMBE Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4171 Rifleman Henry William MATTHEWS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/4306 Rifleman Thomas MEAD Died of wounds on the 19th October 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4366 Rifleman Edward MILLEN Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3676 Rifleman John Edward MILLIE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3519 Rifleman Eric Edgar MILLIGAN Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3366 Rifleman George NEALE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200148 Rifleman Leonard Walter NEWNHAM Killed in action on the 15th October 1916 - Age 24 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200153 Rifleman Stanley Edgar NEWNHAM Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3153 Corporal Herbert Charles NORMAN Died of wounds on the 15th October 1916 - Age 31 Rest in peace in Tincourt New British Cemetery
C/3721 Rifleman Joseph NUNN Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4137 Rifleman Cyril James OLLIFFE Killed in action on the 15th October 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/17365 Rifleman Alfred Archibald OXLADE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4654 Rifleman Robert Victor PACE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
18774 Private George PADGETT Detached from The 9th Sherwood Foresters Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery |
C/3462 Rifleman Herbert James PAINE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/3933 Rifleman William Watts PARKER Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
R/17342 Rifleman Alfred Joseph PARSONS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4269 Rifleman William Francis PATTEN Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4285 Rifleman Walter PAYNE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/17353 Corporal Ernest Owen PEEL Died of wounds on the 4th September 1916 - Age 29 Rest in peace in Doullens Communal Cemetery Ext. n°1
C/3098 Rifleman Leonard Roberts PEMBERTON Killed in action on the 14th October 1916 Rest in peace in Blighty Valley Cemetery
R/22297 Lance Corporal Archibald Charles PHILLIPS Died of wounds on the 28th October 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in North Sheen Cemetery
C/3596 Rifleman James PHILLIPS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/21993 Lance Corporal Walter Thomas Morley PHILLIPS Died of wounds on the 21st October 1916 Rest in peace in Mill Road Cemetery
R/24055 Rifleman Amos PLATT Killed in action on the 3rd November 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Boulogne Eastern Cemetery
C/3657 Rifleman Ernest Augustus POORE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Mailly-Maillet Communal Cemetery Ext.
C/4206 Rifleman Frederick POORE Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4674 Rifleman Francis William POWE Died of wounds on the 4th September 1916 Rest in peace in Mesnil Communal Cemetery Ext.
A/200144 Rifleman William Ernest POWELL Died of wounds on the 20th October 1916 - Age 30 Rest in peace in Etretat Churchyard
Captain Arthur John POWLES-CURTIS Died of wounds on the 11th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3544 Lance Corporal William PRIOR Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 33 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4301 Corporal Walter Cecil RADBURN Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain Lionel Reginald RAWSON, MC Killed in action on the 23rd October 1916 - Age 40 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4695 Rifleman Douglas REYNOLDS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4355 Rifleman Stephen Lionel RHYMES Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200158 Rifleman Percy Morgan RICHARDSON Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 - Age 35 Rest in peace in Mill Road Cemetery
C/1505 Rifleman George Henry ROBINSON Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 36 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4551 Rifleman Walter Stankey ROBINSON Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Hamel Military Cemetery
C/3845 Rifleman George ROGERS Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/2505 Rifleman James ROGERS Killed in action on the 28th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3716 Rifleman Frederick Noel ROSE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Hamel Military Cemetery
C/3713 Company Sergeant Major Frank John ROWE, DCM Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 39 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3401 Rifleman Frederick George ROWE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3732 Rifleman William Charles RUFFELL Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Hamel Military Cemetery
C/4227 Rifleman Frederick Aubrey SAMSON Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 17 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Lieutenant Arthur Bryan SAUNDERS Died of wounds on the 4th September 1916 Rest in peace in Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
R/17600 Rifleman Walter SHARP Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 18 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3912 Rifleman Charles SHEPPARD Killed in action on the 23rd October 1916 Rest in peace in Mill Road Cemetery
A/200188 Rifleman Robert Douglas SHRIMPTON Died of wounds on the 21st October 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/28096 Rifleman John James SILLS Killed in action on the 6th November 1916 - Age 35 Rest in peace in Connaught Cemetery
C/4561 Rifleman Alexander Henry SIMPSON Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/13676 Rifleman Bertram SMITH Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
R/27488 Rifleman George SMITH Killed in action on the 28th October 1916 - Age 30 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
2898 Sergeant Hugh James SMITH Died of wounds on the 22nd October 1916 Rest in peace in Connaught Cemetery
C/3796 Rifleman John SMITH Killed in action on the 14th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4205 Rifleman John Thomas SMITH Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Hamel Military Cemetery
C/24 Corporal Sidney Joseph SMITH Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3324 Sergeant Sidney Thomas SMITH Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 28 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3632 Rifleman Frank William SNELLGROVE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
Lieutenant Kenneth Trim SPINNEY Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 18 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/4066 Rifleman Percy William SPREADBOROUGH Killed in action on the 22nd October 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3997 Company Quatermaster Sergeant Frank Herbert Fuller STEEDMAN Died in service on the 16th November 1916 - Age 29 Rest in peace in Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
C/4370 Rifleman Charles Victor STOCKER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200005 Lance Corporal Frederick STRAIN Killed in action on the 22nd October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4672 Rifleman John STRAPPS Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial Luton War Memorial |
C/3476 Lance Corporal Alwyne Seymour SUMMERS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4390 Rifleman Leslie Henry SYMES Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3417 Lance Corporal Henry TAYLOR Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4567 Rifleman Richard TAYLOR Killed in action on the 15th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3608 Sergeant Joseph James THOMPSON Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
R/17348 Rifleman John TRENERRY Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3826 Rifleman Frank Robert TWEEN Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
A/200030 Rifleman Victor Reginald UTLEY Killed in action on the 22nd October 1916 - Age 29 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3702 Corporal Herbert Walter VEASER Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/3669 Rifleman Frederick George WALLIS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/4584 Rifleman Alfred James WARD Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/3145 Sergeant Ernest Alfred WARRELL Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/3610 Lance Sergeant Charles David WATSON Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4184 Rifleman George William WEBB Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Knightsbridge Cemetery
C/3433 Rifleman John Edwin Charles WEBBER Killed in action on the 15th October 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Tincourt New British Cemetery
C/4048 Sergeant Frederick WEEDON Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3261 Rifleman Vincent Clair WELLING Killed in action on the 9th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4409 Rifleman James WEST Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3798 Sergeant William Thomas WHATLEY Died of wounds on the 4th September 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Doullens Communal Cemetery Ext. n°1
C/3376 Rifleman Joseph Michael WHELAN Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4426 Rifleman Walter Haselden WHITAKER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3526 Rifleman George WHITNEY Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 17 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
A/200065 Rifleman Roland WILCOCK Died of wounds on the 9th November 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
R/24077 Rifleman Ernest WILLETT Died of wounds on the 9th November 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Etretat Churchyard
C/3266 Lance Sergeant Cyril WILSON Killed in action on the 21st October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4594 Rifleman William Charles WOOD Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Bouzincourt Ridge Cemetery
Second Lieutenant Stanley Herbert France WOOLMER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4080 Corporal John WOOSEY Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/4103 Rifleman Albert George WRIGHT Died of wounds on the 4th September 1916 Rest in peace in Beauval Communal Cemetery
C/4640 Corporal Herbert Ernest WYATT Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Ancre British Cemetery
C/3268 Lance Corporal George YARDLEY Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
R/20512 Lance Sergeant Frank YOUNG Died of wounds on the 29th October 1916 - Age 35 Rest in peace in Wimereux Communal Cemetery
C/3898 Rifleman George Charles YOUNG Died of wounds on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
C/4161 Sergeant Harold James BEARDWELL Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |