24th Battalion NORTHUMBERLAND FUSILIERS (1st Tyneside Irish) |
103rd Brigade / 34th Division |
1st July : Attack South of La Boisselle. 2nd July : Albert area. 5th July : Henencourt Wood. ******* 28th August : Black Wood. Attached to the 15th (Scottish) Division. 30th August : Contalmaison. 1st September : In front line in front of Martinpuich. 3rd September : Contalmaison area. 6th September : In front line in front of Martinpuich. 9th September : Mametz Wood. 10th September : Albert. Works in front line in front of Martinpuich. 13th September : Lavieville. 16th September : Contalmaison. Carrying parties in Martinpuich sector. 17th September : Becourt Wood. 18th September : Franvillers.
200 names (178 with the 34th Division, 22 with the 15th Scottish Division) |
24/1011 Private Isaac ANDERSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1605 Private Septimus ANDERSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 35 Rest in peace in Becourt Military Cemetery
24/121 Private William ARKLESS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/129 Private John Messenger ARMSTRONG Killed in action on the 30th June 1916 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
24/1598 Private Adam ATKINSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 31 Rest in peace in Gordon Dump Cemetery
24/196 Private William ATKINSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
25/54 Private William ATWELL Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1586 Private Adam Frederick BALLENTINE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
24/622 Private Thomas BANKS Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1304 Private Edgar BECK Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 37 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1514 Private George Wallace BELL Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/732 Private Roderick BIRNEY Died of wounds on the 8th July 1916 - Age 45 Rest in peace in Gateshead East Cemetery
24/1601 Private Andrew Robert BONAS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/395 Private James BONNER Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/725 Private Thomas BOYLE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
30173 Private David BROWN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/351 Private Edward BROWN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
24/587 Private Thomas BROWN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1680 Private William Baxter BROWN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1505 Private Michael BRYNE Died of wounds on the 3rd July 1916 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
24/348 Sergeant Patrick BUTLER Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 39 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
Second Lieutenant Louis Frederick BYRNE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Rest in peace in Gordon Dump Cemetery
24/1235 Private George CARR Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 38 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/143 Private Matthew CARROLL Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 40 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
27/1543 Private Gordon CARRUTHERS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/617 Private John Thomas CARTER Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/302 Private John Thomas CHARLETON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 43 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/884 Lance Corporal Peter Alexander CHARTERS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
25/816 Private John CLELLAND Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Rest in peace in Cerisy-Gailly French National Cemetery
24/940 Private Michael COLBY Died of wounds on the 17th July 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Nunhead (All Saints) Cemetery
30/153 Private Peter COLEMAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/241 Private John James CONLON Died of wounds on the 3rd July 1916 Rest in peace in Puchevillers British Cemetery
24/1574 Corporal Thomas CONNELLY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/963 Private James COOK Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 39 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/350 Private John CORRIGAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
25/1489 Private Alexander COULSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/541 Private John Wilson CREIGHTON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/99 Private James CROMPTON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 36 Rest in peace in London Cemetery and Extension
24/608 Corporal John CROSS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 38 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1386 Private John Watson CUMMINGS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
24/1589 Private William DAGLISH Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16400 Private Christopher DALE Detached from the 2nd Duke of Wellington's Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
27/906 Private George DARWEN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 36 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1569 Private Edward S. DAVIES Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Lieutenant Dan Magill DAWSON Died of wounds on the 8th September 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
24/1549 Private Daniel DEAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
30/79 Private George William DENT Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/679 Private James DEVINE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/709 Private Charles DOCHERTY Died of wounds on the 2nd July 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Puchevillers British Cemetery
24/1672 Private Thomas DODDS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/470 Sergeant Lawrence DONNELY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/46 Private John William DOURISH Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/652 Private Thomas DOYLE Died of wounds on the 8th July 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Abbeville Communal Cemetery
24/558 Sergeant Matthias DUFFY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Gordon Dump Cemetery
24/228 Private Michael DUGGAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 40 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/945 Private Philip DUIGNAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/764 Lance Corporal Alexander ENGLISH, DCM Died of wounds on the 4th September 1916 Rest in peace in Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery
24/462 Lance Corporal Patrick EYRE Killed in action on the 2nd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1191 Private Matthew FAIRHURST Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1317 Private Arthur FENWICK Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Rest in peace in Gordon Dump Cemetery
27/1537 Private Bartholomew FOLEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 30 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/753 Private Edward FOLEY Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/496 Private James FOSTER Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 32 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/444 Private John FRYER Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/988 Private James GARDNER Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 30 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/674 Private James GIBSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/656 Private Hugh GILROY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
25972 Private James GORDON Killed in action on the 7th September 1916 - Age 31 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
24/1396 Private Charles GRAHAM Died of wounds on the 5th July 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
24/1677 Private George Henry GRANTHAM Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Second Lieutenant Victor David GROSSMAN Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 18 Rest in peace in Becourt Military Cemetery
24/593 Private Dominic HAGAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/739 Private Peter HALEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/307 Private Isaac Storey HALL Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1684 Private William HALL Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
24/661 Private Michael HANLEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1688 Private Charles William HANSON Died of wounds on the 2nd July 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Meaulte Military Cemetery
24/1401 Private Henry HARDY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 35 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1633 Lance Corporal John HARROLD Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1671 Private Edward HARVEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/862 Private Samuel HASTINGS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1201 Sergeant James HEALY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1578 Private Thomas HINDMORE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Cerisy-Gailly French National Cemetery
24/865 Private Richard HOLDEN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 35 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1685 Private Rowland HOLLINGTON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/881 Private Peter HOLMES Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Second Lieutenant Henry M. HORROX Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Lieutenant Colonel Louis Meredith HOWARD Died of wounds on the 2nd July 1916 - Age 37 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
24/793 Private John Wesley HOWARTH Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1180 Private John Thomas HOWEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/611 Private Charles Aloysius HUGHES Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
24/170 Private John ILEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
27/1032 Private John George IVESON Died of wounds on the 5th July 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Daours Communal Cemetery Ext.
24/255 Private James William JACKSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1042 Private William JACOBS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1205 Sergeant Joseph JAMIESON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Gordon Dump Cemetery
24/1413 Private Charles JEFFREY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1004 Private Alexander Evelyn JENNER Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
30/46 Private John Stevenson JOBSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
30/116 Lance Corporal Edward JOHNSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 38 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1480 Private George Henry JOHNSON Died of wounds on the 15th July 1916 Rest in peace in Gateshead (Saltwell) Cemetery
24/66 Private John JOYCE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 29 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/333 Private William JOYCE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/311 Private Peter KAVENEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 36 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1341 Private John KEEGAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/441 Private Patrick KELLY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 29 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/113 Private Samuel KELLY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/596 Private William KENNEDY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1035 Corporal Alfred KETTLE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/221 Private William KNOX Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/107 Private Lawrence LAMB Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 31 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1340 Private Josiah LEVER Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in London Cemetery and Extension
24/626 Private Thomas LIDDLE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
29/1668 Corporal William Henry LOFTHOUSE Died of wounds on the 5th July 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Durham (St Nicholas) Burial Ground
24/1061 Private Hugh LYNCH Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain Kenneth MACKENZIE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/118 Corporal Robert MACKIE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 37 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
2149 Private Joseph Robert MADDISON Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1059 Private Patrick MALIA Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/823 Lance Corporal John MALONE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/226 Private Patrick MALONEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/600 Private Thomas MARTIN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 43 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1694 Private William MATHEWSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
24/10 Private Martin MAY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/609 Private Frank McALLISTER Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 32 Rest in peace in Bapaume Post Military Cemetery
24/465 Private Owen McANDREW Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1430 Private Arthur McAVOY Died of wounds on the 2nd July 1916 - Age 32 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
24/1353 Private Patrick McCABE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
24/262 Private John McCOMB Killed in action on the 7th September 1916 - Age 32 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
30/6 Private Edward McCOY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/497 Private Thomas McCOY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 39 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/897 Lance Corporal James McCRUDEN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1129 Private John McGILL Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/247 Private Thomas McGRATH Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1106 Private William McGRATH Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/30 Private John McHUGH Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1562 Private John McKEATING Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Rest in peace in Gordon Dump Cemetery
24/235 Private James McLAUGHLAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/584 Lance Corporal Thomas McNAMARA Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Rest in peace in Gordon Dump Cemetery
24/619 Sergeant Dominic McSHANE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1428 Private James McSHERRY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/980 Private Wilfred Ridley MIDDLEMISS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/879 Private Ernest Albert MILBURNE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/39 Private James MITCHELL Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/776 Private John Thomas MOLLOY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 35 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
24/156 Private John MORAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/518 Private Dan MULLIGAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/615 Private James MULVEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
27/508 Private John Joseph MURPHY Died of wounds on the 29th September 1916 - Age 32 Rest in peace in North Ormesby Rom. Cat. Cem.
24/1529 Private Peter MURPHY Died of wounds on the 2nd July 1916 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
24/20 Private William Fletcher MURRAY Died of wounds on the 2nd July 1916 Rest in peace in Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery Ext.
19903 Private Herbert NEIL Detached from the 2nd Duke of Wellington's Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Rest in peace in London Cemetery and Extension |
24/556 Private Matthew NIGHTINGALE Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 - Age 32 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
24/236 Sergeant William Henry O'HALLORAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 28 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/707 Private James O'HARE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 - Age 37 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/85 Private Joseph Francis O'NEILL Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/232 Private John PADDEN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1698 Private William PALMER Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/949 Private Patrick PAYTON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/190 Private John PEPPER Killed in action on the 30th June 1916 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
24/849 Private William PHILBIN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1039 Private George Wilfred PHILIPSON Died of wounds on the 2nd July 1916 Rest in peace in Meaulte Military Cemetery
24/1622 Private Thomas Lewis PITT Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1721 Private Thomas Albert PRICE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1258 Private William PURDY Died of wounds on the 2nd July 1916 Rest in peace in Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery Ext.
24/787 Private Joseph QUIGLEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/506 Private Patrick QUINN Died of wounds on the 9th July 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
24/625 Private Alexander RAILTON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1703 Corporal Alexander RAMSAY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/172 Private John REGAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1479 Private Thomas RICHARDSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1681 Private Thomas RIMINGTON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1552 Private Joseph ROBINSON Died of wounds on the 11th September 1916 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
24/1711 Private Robert Donkin ROBINSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24271 Private Matthew ROBSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/193 Private Martin ROGAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/321 Private Frederick Thomas ROGERS Killed in action on the 7th September 1916 - Age 44 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
24/577 Private James William ROURKE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/942 Private William ROWELL Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 35 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1712 Corporal Reginald RUSE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 36 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1368 Private Michael RYAN Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1705 Private James Bremner SAUNDERS Died of wounds on the 18th July 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Boulogne Eastern Cemetery
25/625 Private Thomas Robson SCOTT, MM Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
30/178 Private James SIMONS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/644 Private Peter Alexander SNEE Died of wounds on the 9th September 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
24/676 Private John STAFF Died of wounds on the 21st July 1916 Rest in peace in Abbeville Communal Cemetery
24/1502 Private Richard STANLEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
25/858 Company Quatermaster Sergeant Thomas Dormand STEPHENSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 29 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Second Lieutenant Herbert Richard Charles SUTCLIFFE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
24/1156 Private Samuel THOMAS Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain Arthur THOMPSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
27/1408 Private Frederick THOMPSON Died of wounds on the 5th July 1916 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
24/779 Private Patrick James THOMPSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 43 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1724 Private Edward THURLAWAY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/543 Lance Corporal William TUNLEY Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 36 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/523 Private John Patrick TURNER Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/1718 Private Albert WAINWRIGHT Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/435 Private Matthew WAKE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 43 Rest in peace in Ovillers Military Cemetery
24/1463 Private George WILSON Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 29 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24/869 Private Charles WYLIE Killed in action on the 1st July 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Thiepval Memorial |
139 |
Ovillers Military Cemetery |
12 |
Gordon Dump Cemetery |
7 |
Heilly Station Cemetery |
7 |
Flatiron Copse Cemetery |
4 |
St Sever Cemetery |
4 |
London Cemetery and Extension |
3 |
Serre Road Cemetery n°2 |
3 |
Abbeville Communal Cemetery |
2 |
Becourt Military Cemetery |
2 |
Cerisy-Gailly French National Cemetery |
2 |
Meaulte Military Cemetery |
2 |
Puchevillers British Cemetery |
2 |
Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery Extension |
2 |
Bapaume Post Military Cemetery |
1 |
Boulogne Eastern Cemetery |
1 |
Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery |
1 |
Daours Communal Cemetery Extension |
1 |
Durham (St Nicholas) Burial Ground |
1 |
Gateshead East Cemetery |
1 |
Gateshead (Saltwell) Cemetery |
1 |
North Ormesby Roman Catholic Cemetery |
1 |
Nunhead (All Saints) Cemetery |
1 |
Tyneside Scottish / Tyneside Irish Memorial - La Boisselle |