9th Battalion BLACK WATCH (Royal Highlanders) |
44th Brigade / 15th Scottish Division |
14th August : In line in North-West of Bazentin-le-Petit. 17th August : Attack and capture of The Elbow. Late August / Early September : Tours in front line between Bazentin and Pozieres. 8th September : Attack near North-Western corner of High Wood. 17th September : Martinpuich sector. October / Early November : Tours in front line in Le Sars sector.
101 names |
S/9714 Private Herbert ADKINS Died of wounds on the 25th August 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Millencourt Communal Cemetery Extension
S/9863 Sergeant Andrew ALLISON Died of wounds on the 10th October 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Minnigaff Parish Churchyard
7172 Private George Mackenzie ANDERSON Died of wounds on the 10th September 1916 - Age 18 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
S/9536 Private Andrew ARBUCKLE Killed in action on the 18th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/7647 Private James BAGAN Killed in action on the 18th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/12067 Private Ernest BAKER Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Loos Memorial
2982 Private David Urquhart BARCLAY Detached from 1/6th Black Watch Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Delville Wood Cemetery |
S/4253 Private Aaron BARNETT Killed in action on the 11th October 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/7003 Private Joseph BEATTIE Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Loos Memorial
S/12225 Private Georg Prive BEVANS Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 - Age 32 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/12355 Private Thomas BOWLAND Killed in action on the 17th October 1916 Commemorated on Loos Memorial
S/4911 Lance Corporal John Francis BRADLEY Killed in action on the 29th August 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
S/9465 Corporal William Thomson BREMNER Died of wounds on the 22nd September 1916 - Age 34 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension
S/11108 Private Matthew BROWN Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/11919 Private Hugh CAIRNEY Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/15965 Private Joseph Victor CARR Died of wounds on the 19th September 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension
S/15949 Private John CARR Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Loos Memorial
S/9509 Private John COCKBURN Killed in action on the 7th September 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Bazentin-le-Petit Communal Cemetery Ext.
S/13030 Private James COLLINS Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 28 Commemorated on Loos Memorial
S/9141 Private Patrick COOKSON Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Loos Memorial
S/43290 Private James COUPER Killed in action on the 18th September 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/3317 Lance Corporal Patrick DOCHERTY Died of wounds on the 9th September 1916 - Age 33 Rest in peace in Dartmoor Cemetery
S/3765 Lance Corporal John DOIG Killed in action on the 17th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
312712 Private John DUNCAN Killed in action on the 13th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/4723 Lance Corporal William DUNNE Killed in action on the 25th August 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery
S/8371 Private Joseph EDWARD Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 34 Commemorated on Loos Memorial
S/12160 Private Llewellyn FELL Died of wounds on the 16th September 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
11271 Private John FERGUSON Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/43248 Private James FOTHERINGHAM Died of wounds on the 18th September 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Millencourt Communal Cemetery Extension Dunkeld and Little Dunkeld War Memorial |
S/9293 Private James GOODWIN Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Rest in peace in Delville Wood Cemetery
S/9028 Corporal Thomas GOVENLOCK Killed in action on the 24th October 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/9158 Private Peter GRAY Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Loos Memorial
S/11395 Private William Ewart HADLEY Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Loos Memorial
S/9814 Private David Allan HALLEY Killed in action on the 11th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/6777 Private Robert HAYBURN Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial Auchentibber War Memorial |
2935 Private Thomas Henry Gamble HEGARTY Died in service on the 11th September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Dartmoor Cemetery
S/43291 Private Robert HEWITSON Killed in action on the 18th September 1916 Rest in peace in Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery
S/12122 Private Frank HIBBERT Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Loos Memorial
S/4037 Private James HOGGAN Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Rest in peace in Pozieres British Cemetery
S/4936 Private Rees HUGHES Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Thiepval Anglo-French Cemetery
Second Lieutenant John Balfour IRELAND Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Delville Wood Cemetery
S/4830 Lance Corporal James JACK Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 29 Commemorated on Loos Memorial
3/4269 Private George JONES Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/4619 Corporal Alexander KENNEDY Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/11383 Private Charles LAIRD Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
S/9211 Private Alexander LAWSON Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/40422 Private Robert LEISHAM Killed in action on the 10th October 1916 - Age 24 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/40025 Private John LINDSAY Killed in action on the 18th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/43150 Private Thomas LINDSAY Killed in action on the 18th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/4803 Private Fred LYALL Killed in action on the 17th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Second Lieutenant Robert Brown Aitchison MACDONALD Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Rest in peace in Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery
S/10280 Private Thomas MACFARLANE Died of wounds on the 11th October 1916 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
12244 Private Alec MARSDEN Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/10529 Private George Thomas MASTERS Died of wounds on the 9th September 1916 Rest in peace in Bazentin-le-Petit Communal Cemetery Ext.
3346 Private Joseph McCARRON Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
S/9430 Lance Corporal Archibald McCOLL Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/8259 Private Duncan McDOUGALL Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/40023 Private Peter McEWAN Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Rest in peace in Delville Wood Cemetery
S/43279 Private John St Clair McILHATTON Died of wounds on the 19th October 1916 - Age 18 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
S/12232 Private George McKERROW Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/11465 Private John McLAUCHLAN Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10465 Corporal Alexander McLEAN Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/11624 Private James McLEAN Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/11806 Lance Corporal George McWILLIAM Died in service on the 11th September 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Dartmoor Cemetery
S/11401 Private James MERRYLEES Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Adanac Military Cemetery
S/9461 Private Robert MILNE, MM Died of wounds on the 11th September 1916 Rest in peace in Achiet-le-Grand Communal Cemetery Ext.
S/9694 Private A.L. MILNES Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Pozieres British Cemetery
S/8988 Private John MONTGOMERY Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/10288 Private George NUTTALL Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
2805 Private Edward O'FLAHERTY Killed in action on the 25th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/12054 Private George Henry PALETHORPE Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Rest in peace in Delville Wood Cemetery
S/9789 Private William PATERSON Killed in action on the 11th October 1916 Rest in peace in Arras Road Cemetery
S/9242 Private John PATRICK Killed in action on the 9th September 1916 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
S/4167 Private David Beveridge RANKIN Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/10872 Private Russell REECE Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/11384 Private John RILEY Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 24 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/9497 Sergeant Archibald RISK Killed in action on the 9th September 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Delville Wood Cemetery
S/9072 Private James ROBERTSON Killed in action on the 25th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain John Brewis ROBERTSON Died of wounds on the 17th September 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Abbeville Communal Cemetery
S/9149 Private Robert ROSS Killed in action on the 17th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/43137 Private James RUST Died of wounds on the 29th September 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
S/13051 Private Norman SADDLER Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/17079 Sergeant Peter Ross SEMPLE Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/11252 Corporal Earl SINGLETON Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/43202 Private Adam SMITH Died of wounds on the 19th September 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension
S/6040 Private George Smart SMITH Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/10448 Private James SMITH Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/15998 Private Stanley SPENCE Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/8922 Private George STORIE Killed in action on the 17th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/8604 Private Andrew STRACHAN Killed in action on the 11th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/12069 Private William Egbert Arnold SWANWICK Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
630 Private John SYME Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial Alloa War Memorial |
Second Lieutenant Thomas Russell TURNBULL Killed in action on the 11th October 1916 Rest in peace in Arras Road Cemetery
S/11022 Private John Penman WALKER Killed in action on the 13th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/12330 Private Andrew WALLACE Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
4554 Corporal John WARD Died of wounds on the 15th August 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Puchevillers British Cemetery
S/43172 Private George Cooper WEBSTER Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/11206 Private Christopher WHEELER Killed in action on the 29th August 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Peake Wood Cemetery
3/3117 Sergeant William M. WILKIE Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 37 Rest in peace in Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery
S/4583 Private Patrick WILSON Killed in action on the 8th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
S/5155 Lance Corporal William YEARDLEY Died of wounds on the 19th August 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
Thiepval Memorial |
48 |
Loos Memorial |
11 |
Delville Wood Cemetery |
6 |
Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery |
4 |
Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension |
4 |
Dartmoor Cemetery |
3 |
St Sever Cemetery |
3 |
Arras Road Cemetery |
2 |
Bazentin-le-Petit Communal Cemetery Extension |
2 |
Caterpillar Valley Cemetery |
2 |
Etaples Military Cemetery |
2 |
Millencourt Communal Cemetery Extension |
2 |
Pozieres British Cemetery |
2 |
Abbeville Communal Cemetery |
1 |
Achiet-le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension |
1 |
Adanac Military Cemetery |
1 |
Flatiron Copse Cemetery |
1 |
Heilly Station Cemetery |
1 |
Minnigaff Parish Churchyard |
1 |
Peake Wood Cemetery |
1 |
Puchevillers British Cemetery |
1 |
Serre Road Cemetery n°2 |
1 |
Thiepval Anglo-French Cemetery |
1 |
S/8950 Private Henry MILLER 44th Brigade Machine Gun Company Killed in action on the 29th October 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |