10th/11th Battalion HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY |
46th Brigade / 15th (Scottish) Division |
7th August : Fricourt area. 13th August : In front line in front of Martinpuich. 14th August : Attack on The Elbow (Switch Line). 17th August : In support of the attack of the 44th Brigade on Switch Line. 18th August : Fricourt area. 20th August : Albert. ********* 27th August : In support in Bazentin-le-Petit area. 28th August : In line to the South of Martinpuich. 31st August : In support in Bazentin-le-Petit area. 2nd September : In line between Bazentin and High Wood. 4th September : Contalmaison area. 5th September : Albert. ********* 12th September : Contalmaison area. 15th September : Attack and capture of Martinpuich (In support). 17th September : Contalmaison area. ********* 30th September : Albert. 9th October : Fricourt area. 14th October : Martinpuich area. October : Tours in line in Le Sars sector and in reserve in Contalmaison area.
152 names |
17377 Sergeant Hugh ADAM Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40055 Lance Corporal James Straiton ADDISON Died of wounds on the 15th September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
1524 Private David AITKEN Killed in action on the 19th October 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40101 Sergeant David Baillie ALLAN Died of wounds on the 17th September 1916 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
40086 Private Mckenzie ALLAN Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
26404 Private Paul ALLAN Killed in action on the 26th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19634 Sergeant Andrew ANDERSON Killed in action on the 13th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
8204 Lance Sergeant Charles ANDERSON Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Second Lieutenant David Alexander ANDERSON Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 27 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40046 Private Gavin Agnew ANDERSON Killed in action on the 22nd October 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
Major Charles Edward ANDREWS Killed in action on the 25th October 1916 Rest in peace in Peake Wood Cemetery
866 Lance Corporal William ASHWORTH Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
23222 Private Robert AULD Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
B/21429 Private Joseph BAILEY Died of wounds on the 20th August 1916 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
9480 Private Anthony BARRETT Died of wounds on the 20th August 1916 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
40162 Private Robert BARTON Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40163 Private Arthur BIGGAR Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Adanac Military Cemetery
19931 Private Maurice BIRD Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 - Age 30 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
22926 Private Duncan BLACK Killed in action on the 2nd September 1916 - Age 46 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial Ballachulish War Memorial |
17178 Private Charles BOYD Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19345 Private John BRITTON Killed in action on the 19th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
437 Private John BROWN Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17180 Private Ramsey BROWN Died of wounds on the 26th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
815 Private John BURNS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
Second Lieutenant Russell Johnstone BURNS Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3648 Private Donald CAMERON Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
464 Lance Corporal Thomas CAVANAGH Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17097 Private Patrick COLGAN Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1881 Private Andrew COLQUHON Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
5973 Private Charles J. COSANS Killed in action on the 13th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
18324 Lance Sergeant John COSGROVE Died of wounds on the 18th August 1916 - Age 39 Rest in peace in Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery
193 Private James COSTELLO Died of wounds on the 24th August 1916 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
Captain Daniel MacDougald COWIE Died of wounds on the 17th September 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Millencourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
21017 Lance Corporal Sidney Francis COWLEY Killed in action on the 31st August 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Dantzig Alley British Cemetery
1916 Private Alfred CRAGGS Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1917 Private John R. CRAGGS Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
11850 Lance Corporal James CRAWFORD Died of wounds on the 11th September 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
Second Lieutenant Robert McLay CRAWFORD Detached from The Royal Scots Fusiliers Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
40546 Private Robert CREIGHTON Detached from The 6th K.O.S.B. Killed in action on the 20th October 1916 - Age 24 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
9440 Private George A. CRUDEN Died of wounds on the 19th October 1916 Rest in peace in Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery
9091 Private James CULLEN Died of wounds on the 30th August 1916 Rest in peace in Millencourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
8803 Corporal James CUMMINGS Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 36 Rest in peace in Adanac Military Cemetery
40069 Private David DARLING Killed in action on the 13th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40198 Private Robert DARLING Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Rest in peace in Adanac Military Cemetery
4132 Private Neil DARROCH Killed in action on the 16th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
9395 Lance Corporal Michael DELANEY Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16963 Private James DEVLIN Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
420 Lance Corporal Alexander DOBBIE Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40111 Private David DUNCAN Died of wounds on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40750 Private John DUNCANSON Died of wounds on the 24th October 1916 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery Extension
19692 Corporal Thomas DUNN Died of wounds on the 23rd October 1916 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
18156 Private Harry FERGUSON Died of wounds on the 26th October 1916 Rest in peace in Becourt Military Cemetery
503 Private Herbert FLEMING Died of wounds on the 15th September 1916 Rest in peace in Dartmoor Cemetery
12811 Lance Corporal John FLOOD Died of wounds on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40092 Private John FLYNN Died of wounds on the 17th September 1916 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
19414 Lance Corporal William Robert FORSYTHE Died of wounds on the 15th September 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
505 Private John FOTHERINGHAM Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
40201 Private William FRASER Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Second Lieutenant Alexander FRAZER, MC Killed in action on the 13th August 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Peake Wood Cemetery
40114 Private John GIRVAN Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Rest in peace in Adanac Military Cemetery
23151 Private Joseph GIRVAN Killed in action on the 4th September 1916 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
12833 Private James GOLD Killed in action on the 13th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
12435 Private John GRACIE Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
5886 Lance Corporal John HALL Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
4128 Private James HAMILTON Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain James HARROWER Died of wounds on the 15th September 1916 - Age 37 Rest in peace in Dartmoor Cemetery
11495 Private James HEPBURN Killed in action on the 12th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17524 Private Thomas HIGGINS Died of wounds on the 4th September 1916 Rest in peace in Dantzig Alley British Cemetery
Second Lieutenant William HOLMS Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Adanac Military Cemetery
3811 Private George HOLROYD Died of wounds on the 18th September 1916 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
242 Private Alexander HOUSTON Killed in action on the 26th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19453 Sergeant James IRONS Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
253 Sergeant James ISHERWOOD Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
2020 Private James JENKINS Killed in action on the 31st October 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
11540 Sergeant Robert JINKS Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
540 Private Samuel JOHNSTONE Died of wounds on the 6th September 1916 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
19918 Lance Corporal John JOLLY Killed in action on the 26th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
12195 Private James JONES Died of wounds on the 17th September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
12509 Private Peter KELLY Killed in action on the 13th August 1916 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
40117 Private Thomas KENNEDY Died of wounds on the 21st September 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
40153 Lance Corporal Charles T. KER Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40033 Private William LAWRIE Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40175 Private Henry LAWSON Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
21226 Private John LIDDELL Died of wounds on the 5th November 1916 Rest in peace in Glasgow Western Necropolis
40085 Private Alexander LINDORES Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
22249 Private Donald MacKINNON Died of wounds on the 22nd August 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
4015 Private Alexander MacMILLAN Died of wounds on the 15th September 1916 Rest in peace in Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery
40177 Private Charles MARTIN Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19488 Private James F.A. MASON Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3832 Private Frank F. MAYNE Killed in action on the 16th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
12465 Private Andrew McALPINE Died of wounds on the 14th August 1916 Rest in peace in Millencourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
21343 Lance Corporal William McDONALD Killed in action on the 13th August 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Daours Communal Cemetery Ext.
19522 Private Nathaniel McDONALD Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
8033 Private Thomas John McFEELIE Killed in action on the 4th September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Bazentin-le-Petit Communal Cemetery Ext
19533 Private Thomas McGHEE Died of wounds on the 15th August 1916 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
270 Private John McILROY Died of wounds on the 30th August 1916 Rest in peace in Millencourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
11768 Private John McKIE Killed in action on the 15th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40151 Private Archibald McKINLAY Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Adanac Military Cemetery
22920 Private John McLENNAN Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40149 Private William McLENNAN Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Rest in peace in Adanac Military Cemetery
424 Sergeant William MEECHAN Killed in action on the 12th August 1916 - Age 31 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40147 Private Alexander MEEK Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19491 Private Henry MILLS Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19490 Private Joseph MITCHELL Died of wounds on the 3rd November 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
16854 Private Robert MOODY Killed in action on the 27th August 1916 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
11750 Corporal Robert MORTON Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40121 Private Peter G. MUNRO Died of wounds on the 18th September 1916 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
18514 Private John MURDOCH Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24947 Private Norman MYERS Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
12813 Private John NICHOLL Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40483 Private John M. PARKER Killed in action on the 19th October 1916 Rest in peace in Warlencourt British Cemetery
327 Private Walter PATERSON Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
18516 Corporal Robert PENNY Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
27193 Private John Davonport PORTER Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
339 Private Francis RALSTON Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19568 Private David REID Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40045 Private Richard REID Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain Robert Walker REID Killed in action on the 13th August 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Peake Wood Cemetery
5831 Private Andrew REILLY Died of wounds on the 6th September 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
40042 Private Charles RENNIE Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19569 Private George N. RENNIE Killed in action on the 2nd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19852 Private James RILEY Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1899 Private Charles ROBERTS Killed in action on the 13th August 1916 - Age 32 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
8785 Private John ROBERTSON Died of wounds on the 27th August 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
8441 Private Arthur ROONEY Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
30645 Private William SAMSON Killed in action on the 26th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10238 Private Charles SHARPE Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Rest in peace in Pozieres British Cemetery
59587 Lance Sergeant William SHAW Killed in action on the 12th September 1916 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
40105 Private Thomas SINCLAIR Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
365 Private Robert SMELLIE Killed in action on the 3rd September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain Charles Edgar Holton SMITH Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 32 Rest in peace in Adanac Military Cemetery |
3681 Private John SMITH Died of wounds on the 29th Augusr 1916 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
4028 Private William H. SMITH Died of wounds on the 26th October 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
8131 Private James SNEDDON Killed in action on the 4th September 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
40129 Private Thomas STEWART Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21424 Private Alexander SUTHERLAND Died of wounds on the 16th September 1916 Rest in peace in Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery
40196 Private James Duncan SUTHERLAND Killed in action on the 26th October 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial West Linton War Memorial |
Second Lieutenant David THOM Killed in action on the 10th September 1916 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
19880 Lance Corporal Samuel THOMPSON Died of wounds on the 15th September 1916 Rest in peace in Dartmoor Cemetery
B/21411 Private James TURNBULL Died of wounds on the 15th August 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Puchevillers British Cemetery
22936 Private Walter VICKERS Killed in action on the 16th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
2153 Lance Corporal William WALTON Killed in action on the 14th August 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
18320 Private Charles WATERWORTH Died of wounds on the 21st August 1916 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
12291 Private George WATTERSON Killed in action on the 12th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
9251 Sergeant George WHITTEN Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
9184 Private James WHYTE Died of wounds on the 27th September 1916 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
22997 Private James WHYTE Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17287 Private Joseph WILLIAMSON Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
693 Lance Corporal William WILSON Died of wounds on the 24th September 1916 - Age 34 Rest in peace in Manchester Southern Cemetery
17038 Lance Corporal William Sneddon WILSON Killed in action on the 17th August 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
12666 Private John WITZEL Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
40145 Private Peter WRIGHT Killed in action on the 13th September 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
25525 Private John ANDREWS Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Rest in peace in Dive Copse British Cemetery |
25246 Private Allen BUCHAN Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
26949 Private John CALDWELL Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
31221 Private Norman COWIE Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
25551 Private Alexander FERGUSON Died of wounds on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
25517 Private Donald HEPBURN Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
25208 Lance Corporal George LAWRENCE Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
25247 Private William McGILL Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial Girvan War Memorial |
25369 Private Daniel McKAY Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
25516 Private Alexander McNEIL Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
31298 Private John MORGAN Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
24095 Private Archibald NICOL Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
25245 Private William ROBERTSON Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
31349 Private James ROSS Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
25548 Private William C. RUSSELL Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
25371 Private Frank STEWART Killed in action on the 30th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial Port WilliamWar Memorial |